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The Mindful Zoomer – My Inspiration

If you’re reading this post then welcome. This is the first official post that I’ve made on the Mindful Zoomer. As an intro to the site, I want to take this time to outline for you guys my inspiration for starting this blog and what you can expect to read about during your visit!

Why I Started The Mindful Zoomer

Starting my junior year in college, I should have been on top of the world. I was attending a school that I loved, I lived in an apartment with my good friends, and I had endless opportunities ahead of me as I figured out where the next chapter would take me. Underneath the surface however, I was struggling. My girlfriend of 2 years had just broken up with me, I had no clue what I wanted to do after college, and I felt like I lost had my sense of self. It was an especially difficult time in my life as my mental health suffered, I lost my motivation to workout, and I wasn’t enjoying the things I used to enjoy anymore.

When I decided that I wanted to start this blog, I knew it was because of my own passion for personal growth. For the past few years, I’ve been self-development obsessed. I’ve read countless self-development books, ranging from how to incorporate better habits into your life to the ancient philosophy of stoicism. I’ve tried taking cold showers for a month, meditating for 30 minutes a day, and journaling my thoughts each and every morning. All of these practices provide me with some relief, but I felt like there was more out there.


What I realized was that I was lacking a philosophy of life. I was lacking a way in which to carry out my days and live the most meaningful life possible. In comes Stoicism, which I now consciously practice on a daily basis. I can’t remember exactly when or how I came across Stoicism, but I’m sure it was through my research in an effort to feel better about myself. Although ancient philosophy, many of the concepts that Stoicism teaches are relevant in today’s world, no matter your age, location, or ethnicity. I want to learn more about what this philosophy has to offer and it’s my hope that we can embark on this journey together


Ever since I was struggling to take control of my mental health, I became obsessed with the idea of mindset. Human psychology has advanced significantly since the era of ancient philosophers. Through my journey, I’ve read countless books about mindset tips and tricks. I’ve read The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom by Jonathan Haidt, Mindset by Carol Dweck, and The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson. All of these are fantastic books and I highly recommend them to anyone looking to improve their mindset.

So I welcome you to the Mindful Zoomer. Hopefully we can embark on this journey together towards living a more mindful existence and making the most out of what life has to offer!

I’ll be posting weekly content so check out my blog page for my most recent articles. Also, feel free to leave a comment down below or head over to my contact page to reach out to me personally!

Eric Hooper

Eric is the Founder and Author of The Mindful Zoomer. His love of self-improvement and mental health advocacy inspired him to create this site. Eric currently works as a Land Acquisition Analyst for a homebuilding company in Charlotte, NC. When he's free, Eric spends most of his time working on his blog and YouTube channel to deliver more quality content. In addition, he also likes photography, hiking, working out, learning new skills, and reading books.