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For those of you who are new here, welcome, and for those of you who are returning, welcome back.

Approximately one year ago, I started this blog, The Mindful Zoomer, while sitting in my one-bedroom apartment in Charlotte, NC. I began writing for a few reasons.

First, I’ve always felt like I had a knack for writing. Writing allows me to explore emotions, expand my vocabulary, and think more clearly. I enjoy being able to articulate my thoughts and express my views and opinions by writing them down and thinking them through. In addition, writing has always felt very therapeutic to me.

the mindful zoomer - a mental health blog

On top of that, I started this blog because I wanted to build my brand. I’ve always admired entrepreneurs, influencers, and startups for their ability to create something of value for other people. Giving and helping others has always been something that has given my life meaning and made me feel valuable. I wanted to make an impact.

Lastly, I wanted to break free from the 9-5 lifestyle. Granted, I’ve only been in the workforce for a year and a half. Still, ever since college, I’ve felt there was more to this life than sitting in a cubicle staring at a computer screen.

As outlined above, I had plenty of reasons to start this blog, but there was just one big problem. I still needed to decide what to write about and focus on! Thus, I lacked the motivation to continue writing. After a few short articles, I decided to throw in the towel and step back from writing.

After much deliberation, I came back, but with a new mission.

I have two main goals with the Mindful Zoomer for 2023 and beyond. As the curtains drew in 2022, there’s been one topic that’s played a significant role in my life, and that’s mental health.

First, I want to bring awareness to the mental health crisis, specifically with the younger generation (my generation), and offer solutions to address it. I’ve seen and experienced the adverse effects the Covid-19 pandemic has had on our mental health. I’ve known people I grew up with who have taken their own lives. I’ve been inspired by those advocating for mental health awareness. I want to bring more attention to mental health and continue the conversation.

Second, I want to de-stigmatize therapy and men. After struggling with my mental health in 2022, I decided to start going to therapy. I can understand how difficult it is to admit you need help. Still, I appreciate how empowering it is to take that leap and come to terms with your feelings and emotions. Therapy has made me a better person and a happier one. With this blog, I hope to break down these barriers preventing more men from seeking the same help.

the mindful zoomer - a mental health blog

Moving forward, here’s what you can expect.

I’ll be posting articles bi-weekly every Wednesday. You can expect the first article on January 18. In addition, I’m also planning on launching a YouTube channel where I’ll be posting bi-weekly every Friday. Finally, sign up for my weekly newsletter below. I’ll provide you with five quick tips every Monday for prioritizing your mental health that week. I’ll also notify you whenever I post a new article or YouTube video.

Be sure to follow me on all social media, which you can find at the bottom of this page or on my Contact page.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and I look forward to having you join the community.

Stay Mindful!

Eric Hooper

Eric is the Founder and Author of The Mindful Zoomer. His love of self-improvement and mental health advocacy inspired him to create this site. Eric currently works as a Land Acquisition Analyst for a homebuilding company in Charlotte, NC. When he's free, Eric spends most of his time working on his blog and YouTube channel to deliver more quality content. In addition, he also likes photography, hiking, working out, learning new skills, and reading books.